“The Children of Lumenesse” Orphanage Charity
Architecturally designed to give back
The Children of Lumenesse is a charity who’s mission is to build and manage an orphanage for children around the world. One of the definitions for Lumen is “Light” and one of the definitions for Esse is “Being” ..how beautiful to have the opportunity of “Being Light” to helpless children.
Our initial fundraiser goal is to have an adequate amount of funds to both build and maintain the orphanage for the first 3 years. Realizing that this may take some time, we want to make sure in the meantime, we are donating a portion of the fundraiser money to children’s based charities so we can start making a difference right away. At least once a year, we will take 10% of the fund and donate those funds to children’s charities until we reach our initial development goal. So in essence Lumenesse’s mission is truly to save much more than energy.