Lumenesse 777-S Hurricane Protection
Architecturally Designed For Hurricane Protection
When it comes to protecting your home or building from severe weather situations, Lumenesse 777S is not only a wise choice because of its incredible strength, but because our film is always on your windows, protecting you and yours 24/7.
With Lumenesse 777S there is nothing to put up, close or install. It’s always there for your protection and never blocking your view. Much of the damage caused by disasters is known to happen because nothing was protecting the windows at the time.
Lumenesse 777S has passed some of the most stringent wind and impact testing. In fact, Lumenesse 777S is the first safety and security film to receive a Miami Dade approval for hurricane protection at a design pressure of 100 (NOA 23-0426.01).
Furthermore, reaching a full structural wind load of 150 psf, which meets and exceeds wind load requirements for many residential and commercial buildings. For this reason Lumenesse 777S safety and security film also complies with Florida Statute 718.113 as it refers to hurricane protection for condominiums using Lumenesse 777S hurricane protection film in lieu of hurricane shutters. Lumenesse 777S passed strict testing for security and hurricane protection from the Miami-Dade building department. Click the to View Test Results:
LUMENESSE 777S – Summary of Test Report
*NEW* Proclamation from Miami Dade County Office For Lumenesse 777-S Hurricane Protection Film.
Hurricane Film Disclaimer

Small Missle Test – Lumenesse 777-S Storm / Security Film -Miami Dade Approved Miami Dade TAS 201 Test. 10 stainless seel balls shot three times. Center, side and corner at 130 ft per second. Glass shatters but with no penetration. Success with Lumenesse!
Lumenesse 777-S Storm Security Small Missle Test Miami Dade Approved Lumenesse successfully passes TAS 203. Withstanding 9000 cycles at a design pressure of 100psf (200mph). Success with Lumenesse! Call Today! 800-573-9979

Lumenesse Films have passed strict Miami-Dade Hurricane Protection Guidelines