Our Window Films
Lumenesse 777-S (Hurricane Protection)

When it comes to protecting your home or building from severe weather situations, Lumenesse 777S is always on your windows, protecting you and your occupants 24/7.
Lumenesse Legacy: (NanoCeramic)

Through advances and material science, Lumenesse Legacy is able to offer film that will not appear shiny or dark but will reject much more solar energy than conventional window films.
Lumenesse Classic: Solar & Energy Savings

Lumenesse significantly reduces cooling costs, and strain on your cooling system requiring costly maintenance. The savings will be more significant as cooling costs rise.
Lumenesse Decorative: (Frosted Films)

Lumenesse frost can be used on interior glass partition walls providing privacy for areas such as offices, conference room and lobbies while still allowing light in.
Lumenesse Safety: 777-V (Vandalisim)

In the event of a break in, theft or vandalism, you could be left with loss of property and boarded windows. Lumenesse Safety: 777-V eliminates theses hassles saving you time & money!
Lumenesse 777-S (Bomb Mitigation)

A bomb blast can shower bystanders with shards of glass, you can greatly reduce the amount of glass flying from the building that could potentially harm people.
Commercial & Residential

Our films are perfect for residential, commercial and governmental applications and is a quick and effective way to increase your energy efficiency without the need of costly replacement windows.
Lumenesse Legacy EVOLUTION Film

Revolutionary Window Film that when applied to your home’s windows will be clear at night so that you can see out and shaded during the day so that you can cut down on the glare caused UV the sun’s rays. It happens gradually so you don’t even notice it.
Lumenesse InvisiFrost

Upgrade to a smart window with InvisiFrost by Lumenesse! State-of-the-art, life-improving switchable privacy product that is push button activated to go from clear to shade in 400 milliseconds, back to clear on command!

Lumenesse Films have passed strict Miami-Dade Hurricane Protection Guidelines